
2024 SomerUrban – Race Communication #1

If you are reading this you have stumbled up on the Race Communication for the 2024 SomerUrban. This is all the information that we can give you. The rest you will get on race morning.


Parking will be located at lots 104 S Central Ave, Somerset, KY 42501 or 211 E Market St, Somerset, KY 42501. Check-in will be at the Joe Ford Amphitheater in Rocky Hollow Park. Use the path near 104 S Central Ave to access to theater. Restrooms are located near registration but we encourage you to try to take care of business prior to arriving on site.


This is a self-supported event so bring your own provisions. We will have some water at the starting area, but you are expected to carry or acquire your food and hydration while out on course. You may use any publicly available source for water/food but you cannot have a support crew out on course. There are several stores/restaurants along the course. You may stage any food/hydration at the starting area or retrieve it from your vehicle anytime during the race.


  • 7am – Check-in opens. Race packets handed out. Arrive early! Use the time until race start to determine how many locations you are going to visit and to plan your route.
  • 745 am – Pre-race meeting with final notes and any rule changes.
  • 8am – Race Start
  • 12pm – Race cut off
  • 1215-1230pm – Awards

Maps/Race Packet

Maps and all race packet information will be given out at 7am. All maps will be 8.5×11 size. There will be 2-3 maps as well as a clue sheet printed on waterproof paper. We will be issuing a second packet of plain paper maps so others in your group can follow along, but these are not waterproof. Make sure to bring a sharpie to write the backup check codes on the clue sheets (will explain during pre-race meeting at 745am). We also suggest a highlighter for route planning.

Cell Phones and App

Make sure to have at ONE fully charged cell phone per team. This phone will be used to scan QR codes at each location. Only ONE cellphone can be used during the duration of the race to scan QR codes. The app MapRun can be downloaded from the links below. We will help you set this up at registration and give you a test course to try. We recommend you download it prior to the race to make sure it installs on at least one phone in your group. Never fear though, as we have a backup method if your phone does not work

The cellphone CANNOT be used for navigation purposes. Teams caught doing this will suffer stiff penalties. HOWEVER, PLEASE TAKE TONS OF PHOTOS ONLINE!

Selfie Challenge Stops

There will be several selfie challenges along the way. The goal is to take a photo of you with the background and post it to social media tagging us in it. At the end of the race, you will show the photos to race staff to earn points for each stop. You may use a separate cell phone for these. We highly recommend taking more photos and sharing them online, but only these locations gain you points. Facebook @vindura Instagram: @vindura.fit Tags: #vindura #somerurban #seemyset


  1. Foot travel only.
  2. No trespassing. Stay on public property such as sidewalks, roads, and paths. Do not cut through private property (yards, driveways, etc). If it is questionable, don’t do it.
  3. No outside crew assistance. You may use acquire food/hydration/supplies from any source that may be publically available to all participants. You may not have an outside crew member, not part of the race, to provide food/supplies out on course. You may leave and retrieve anything you wish from your vehicle in the parking lot or start/finish area.
  4. Use crosswalks when they are available. Some crossings may have stop timer checkpoints to allow you to pause your race clock.
  5. Stay out of prohibited areas as marked on your map. Certain roads will be prohibited from crossing except at designated crossings.
  6. Team members must stay within 30 meters of each other at ALL times.
  7. GPS Devices: Keep all GPS-capable devices out of sight for the entirety of the race. If everyone follows this rule, then we should never get an accusation of a team using such a device to cheat.
  8. Cellphones: May be used for scanning QR codes, taking photos ONLY and tracking your progress for post race review. Under no circumstances may they be for navigation purposes.
  9. Racers must assist any person in danger.
  10. Any person or team withdrawing from the race must notify race staff in person. If one or more members of a team wish to continue the race after a teammate withdraws, they may do so as an unranked team/solo provided that the entire team has checked in with race staff first. Leaving a teammate behind will result in immediate disqualification.
  11. Leave no trace.

Gear Requirements

We highly recommend other items for planning period such as a highlighter to help

Per Individual
  • Food/water hydration for the duration of the event.
  • Clothing appropriate for weather conditions
Per Team/Solo Individual
  • Backpack – We recommend at least per team to carry gear
  • Mobile phone – Fully charged in waterproof or double-ziplock bag
  • Sharpie/marker
  • Waterproof protection for maps – Zip lock bag, map case, etc
  • Compass (optional)
  • Bib number – Provided at race check-in. Must be visible at all times by race staff.
  • Enthusiasm


Latest forecast has the temperature around 70 degrees at 8am start time with a 20% chance of rain. High is expected to be 81 degrees at finish. Please dress and plan accordingly for food and hydration. They are giving rain for later in the day. Race held rain or shine, so consider packing a light rain jacket. Lightning in the area will delay the event or result in early return (more on this later)

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